Our mission is to provide our clients with high-quality translation services that fully meet their expectations and fulfill all the standards of the profession.
A translator translates around 1,500 words per day.
We receive a request for information or quote every 3 minutes.
In 2019, ITC translated 45,624,069 words.
It’s been said that an adventure always begins with an idea. But for ITC, it all started with an experience.
Here’s our story in a nutshell: at ITC Translations, we’re a big family spread around the world that continues to grow and innovate together with a single goal in mind: to help you grow internationally.
ITC Translations is one big family that includes our employees and clients. We’re proud that people have been the central focus in our business for 20 years and counting.
Five fundamental principles guide the ITC Translations team and how we treat each other, our clients and the general public. Whether it’s in Canada, China, the United Kingdom, Brazil or anywhere else, these deeply-anchored values show up in our daily work and form the basis of all our relationships and our decisions.
Looking for the right partner for your multilingual projects? We’re here to help!